, une autre manière de pronostiquer Pronostic gratuit quotidien. Ici nous vous donnons le coup sûr que les professionnels du turf n'arrivent toujours pas à détecter. Pour chaque course du quinté+, 3 chevaux et seulement 3 vous seront offerts gratuitement. nous vous donnons aussi les prévisions astrologiques pour le mois entier. Vous allez comprendre pourquoi nous disons chez KokanTurf que le PMU n'est pas un jeu de hasard... pmu,resultat,pronostic pmu,pronostics turf,tierce,resultat pmu,quinte,gratuit,presse hippique,pronostics hippiques gratuits, logiciels hippiques,pronostics gratuits, turf, courses hippiques, arrivees, rapports, chevaux, hippodrome, partants,pronostic, recapitulatif, palmares, pmu, turf, pronostic, quinte, statistiques sur les pronostics, cheval, chevaux, courses hippiques, systeme reducteur, synthese pronostic, prevision astro IMAGE seulement. Elle seront ensuite ajoutées à ton profil dans environs 15 prochaines minutes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- where (dayofmonth(`arrivee`.`date_course`) = dayofmonth(sysdate())); ____________________________________________ Q U I N T E ____________________________________________________________________________________ ---------------------NE PAS OUBLIER LA SECTION ---------------------------------- 03==========>and ( day(date_course)=20 and date_course>'2001/01/01' ); ??????????????? 04==========>SELECT 'KOKANP@HOTMAIL.COM',4,5, 2,16,15, l'arrivée precedente INSERT INTO quinte_phs ( `premier`, `deuxieme`, `troisieme`, `quatrieme`, `cinquieme`, `email`) select * from combinaison_phs INSERT INTO quinte_phs ( `premier`, `deuxieme`, `troisieme`, `quatrieme`, `cinquieme`, `email`) select `premier`, `deuxieme`, `troisieme`, `quatrieme`, `cinquieme`,'KOKANP@HOTMAIL.COM' from quinte __________________________________________________Q U I N T E___________________________________________________________________ delete FROM `conditions` WHERE EMAIL='KOKANP@HOTMAIL.COM' ; -- INSERTION DES DONNEES PROVENANT DE EXCEL INSERT INTO conditions SELECT * FROM `condition5`; insert into conditions (EMAIL, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, SENS, VALEUR, OBSERVATION ) SELECT 'KOKANP@HOTMAIL.COM', arrivee.premier, arrivee.deuxieme, arrivee.troisieme, arrivee.quatrieme, arrivee.cinquieme, "Au plus" AS SENS, 3 AS VALEUR, "meme date et mois" AS OBSERVATION FROM arrivee where premier<>0 and deuxieme <>0 and troisieme <>0 and quatrieme<>0 and cinquieme<>0 and day(date_course)=7 AND MONTH(date_course)=4 ; -- MODIFIER LA DATE ET LE MOIS PRECEDENTS insert into conditions (EMAIL, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, SENS, VALEUR, OBSERVATION ) SELECT 'KOKANP@HOTMAIL.COM', arrivee.premier, arrivee.deuxieme, arrivee.troisieme, arrivee.quatrieme, arrivee.cinquieme, "Au plus" AS SENS, 4 AS VALEUR, "_360 QUINTE PASSE" AS OBSERVATION FROM arrivee where premier<>0 and deuxieme <>0 and troisieme <>0 and quatrieme<>0 and cinquieme<>0 and ( id + 360 > (select id from arrivee where date_course = date(sysdate()) )); ____________________________________________ Q U A RT E ____________________________________________________________________________________ delete FROM `conditions` WHERE EMAIL='KOKANP@HOTMAIL.COM' ; -- INSERTION DES DONNEES PROVENANT DE EXCEL INSERT INTO conditions SELECT * FROM `condition4`; insert into conditions (EMAIL, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, SENS, VALEUR, OBSERVATION ) SELECT 'KOKANP@HOTMAIL.COM', arrivee.premier, arrivee.deuxieme, arrivee.troisieme, arrivee.quatrieme, arrivee.cinquieme, "Au plus" AS SENS, 3 AS VALEUR, "meme date et mois" AS OBSERVATION FROM arrivee where premier<>0 and deuxieme <>0 and troisieme <>0 and quatrieme<>0 and cinquieme<>0 and day(date_course)=7 AND MONTH(date_course)=4 ; -- MODIFIER LA DATE ET LE MOIS PRECEDENTS insert into conditions (EMAIL, C1, C2, C3, C4, SENS, VALEUR, OBSERVATION ) SELECT 'KOKANP@HOTMAIL.COM', arrivee.premier, arrivee.deuxieme, arrivee.troisieme, arrivee.quatrieme, "Au plus" AS SENS, 3 AS VALEUR, "180 QUARTE PASSE" AS OBSERVATION FROM arrivee where premier<>0 and deuxieme <>0 and troisieme <>0 and quatrieme<>0 and cinquieme<>0 and ( id + 180 > (select id from arrivee where date_course = date(sysdate()) )); -----------------------------------------------------------------------------TIERCE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- delete FROM `conditions` WHERE EMAIL='KOKANP@HOTMAIL.COM' ; -- INSERTION DES DONNEES PROVENANT DE EXCEL INSERT INTO conditions SELECT * FROM `condition3`; insert into conditions (EMAIL, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, SENS, VALEUR, OBSERVATION ) SELECT 'KOKANP@HOTMAIL.COM', arrivee.premier, arrivee.deuxieme, arrivee.troisieme, arrivee.quatrieme, arrivee.cinquieme, "Au plus" AS SENS, 2 AS VALEUR, " 10 precedentes courses" AS OBSERVATION FROM arrivee where premier<>0 and deuxieme <>0 and troisieme <>0 and quatrieme<>0 and cinquieme<>0 and ( id + 10 > (select id from arrivee where date_course = date(sysdate()) )); insert into conditions (EMAIL, C1, C2,C3, SENS, VALEUR, OBSERVATION ) SELECT 'KOKANP@HOTMAIL.COM', arrivee.premier, arrivee.deuxieme, arrivee.troisieme, "Au plus" AS SENS, 1 AS VALEUR, "7 tierce passe " AS OBSERVATION FROM arrivee where premier<>0 and deuxieme <>0 and troisieme <>0 and quatrieme<>0 and cinquieme<>0 and ( id + 7 > (select id from arrivee where date_course = date(sysdate()) )); insert into conditions (EMAIL, C1, C2,C3, SENS, VALEUR, OBSERVATION ) SELECT 'KOKANP@HOTMAIL.COM', arrivee.premier, arrivee.deuxieme, arrivee.troisieme, "Au plus" AS SENS, 2 AS VALEUR, "180 tierce passe " AS OBSERVATION FROM arrivee where premier<>0 and deuxieme <>0 and troisieme <>0 and quatrieme<>0 and cinquieme<>0 and ( id + 180 > (select id from arrivee where date_course = date(sysdate()) )); °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° C O U P L E°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° delete FROM `conditions` WHERE EMAIL='KOKANP@HOTMAIL.COM' ; -- INSERTION DES DONNEES PROVENANT DE EXCEL INSERT INTO conditions SELECT * FROM condition2; insert into conditions (EMAIL, C1, C2, SENS, VALEUR, OBSERVATION ) SELECT 'KOKANP@HOTMAIL.COM', arrivee.premier, arrivee.deuxieme, "Au plus" AS SENS, 1 AS VALEUR, "1et2 des 30 COUPLE passe " AS OBSERVATION FROM arrivee where premier<>0 and deuxieme <>0 and troisieme <>0 and quatrieme<>0 and cinquieme<>0 and ( id + 30 > (select id from arrivee where date_course = date(sysdate()) )); insert into conditions (EMAIL, C1, C2, SENS, VALEUR, OBSERVATION ) SELECT 'KOKANP@HOTMAIL.COM', arrivee.premier, arrivee.troisieme, "Au plus" AS SENS, 1 AS VALEUR, "1et3 des 30 COUPLE passe " AS OBSERVATION FROM arrivee where premier<>0 and deuxieme <>0 and troisieme <>0 and quatrieme<>0 and cinquieme<>0 and ( id + 30 > (select id from arrivee where date_course = date(sysdate()) )); insert into conditions (EMAIL, C1, C2, SENS, VALEUR, OBSERVATION ) SELECT 'KOKANP@HOTMAIL.COM', arrivee.deuxieme, arrivee.troisieme, "Au plus" AS SENS, 1 AS VALEUR, "2et3 des 30 COUPLE passe " AS OBSERVATION FROM arrivee where premier<>0 and deuxieme <>0 and troisieme <>0 and quatrieme<>0 and cinquieme<>0 and ( id + 30 > (select id from arrivee where date_course = date(sysdate()) )); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- insert into conditions select * from condition_base delete FROM `conditions` WHERE OBSERVATION ='Selon table des arrivees' or OBSERVATION ='arrivees meme date' delete FROM `conditions` WHERE EMAIL='' UPDATE jour hebdo mois au 3394 ****************************************************************************************** N° 03725397 GPRS 05500300 ******************************************************************************************* CODE WIFI 39395771 DoubleRX **************************************************************************************************************** NOUVELLE PUCE 1) PHOTOCOPIE PUCE 2) photocopie CNI 3) Fiche d'ENGAGEMENT 4) 5000 Fcfa pour activer envoyer MEGA AU 3492 apres avoir chargé 5000 CONNAITRE LE SOLDE envoyer MOOV AU 3385 ( 5859 ANICET : atse: DALOUGOU: alexis: